Monday, October 8, 2012

WTF Am I Doing Here??

This blog is to journal my venture into the world of eating Paleo. My darling husband decided that, due to the fact that he can't lose his last 10 pounds, he would be going on this diet. Then, as the one who takes care of food in the house, I decided that I was not going to have to make 2 sets of meals a day, therefore the rest of us would be joining him on his venture. Not gonna lie, I was pretty pissed. While I still have quite a large set of thighs and an enormous ass, I hate to admit that it could have anything to do with my carb intake. I love me some bread, pasta, and rice, all things which are forbidden in the world of Paleo. Goodbye my friends, I will miss you, and if this diet works like it says, I should probably never see you again, though leaving you will be worse than any breakup I've ever had. Needless to say, I fought this decision tooth and nail in order to keep all my yummy friends around. But after reading more and more about the diet itself and the way of life it promotes as well as how it positively interacts with the benefits of working out, I decided it just might be worth it. There are definitely a lot of things that seem really counter productive to me about it, like eating a ton of meat and cooking with straight fats, but I'm hoping that as I learn more it will make more sense. Plus, I've heard there's science behind it.
So now we are off on this journey. I will be learning about a new way to cook, new things to eat, reinforcing the health benefits I'm seeing from working out (hopefully *fingers crossed*), and seeing if this is going to be a sustainable way of living for the Bowley clan.
Wish me luck...

This is my very first all Paleo menu for the family. Now if only I would get off my lazy behind and head out to the grocery store.

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