Saturday, November 10, 2012

Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Blueberry Bread Eater

So it’s been like a minute since I’ve been here and I’m sure I’m just about to get in trouble for not updating.

Big things have been happening. BIG. OK, not really, but maybe, kind of. We made it through our month of no cheats…almost. We cheated 2 days early because we actually had a babysitter and got to go out for a date night. It was just a little cheat (frozen yogurt) and it only made me a little upset (because it was 2 days early) so I’m OK with it.

Other important things: Paleo baking. Yeah, it’s totally possible, it’s still not a great idea, but it’s possible. I’ve been making bread, and if you know me, you know I don’t bake. But I was craving baked goods so badly I had to figure that shit out. I’m probably going to take a break from anything baked for a bit because I don’t think it’s actually helping my ass shrink at all…pretty sure the pumpkin blueberry bread actually made that plateau. So I’m stepping away from the almond flour and towards pork, or chicken, or salmon, something that has benefits other than making me feel happy on the inside.

Um…big cheats…don’t do them…they suck. I guess that’s not entirely true. The cheats don’t suck, recovering the next day totally does. After not having specific things (i.e. chips and salsa, chicken fingers, French fries, beer, you get it, it was the husband man’s birthday, so I wasn’t just being a lard ass) having them all in one night is A LOT of fun. Waking up the next morning is a big old bummer because apparently your digestive system gets pissed when you fill it with crap. Doesn’t really seem like a news flash, I anticipated it would be bad, I just didn’t realize how bad it would be. I pretty much felt like I was dying all morning. It’s been a full day and I’m just now feeling like I’m recovering. I guess it goes with the bad motto I’ve been living by lately “seemed like a good idea at the time”. Probably won’t be doing any major cheats ever again, at least not any time soon.

And now I’m off to eat garlic ginger pork with some sautéed bell peppers, hopefully that helps with my tum tum. Happy day after birthday husband man ;-)