Sunday, October 14, 2012

Made It Through a Week

Week one accomplishment: I didn’t kill anyone.

This not only goes for the husband man who decided this diet would be amazing, but also for all the people around me who are eating things I am not allowed to have. You know who you are you bread eating, frosting licking, candy sucking jerks.

Seriously though, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. There were some stressful moments, like Sunday night when I realized that not only did I need to figure out what to send with my husband man to work for dinner, but a specific breakfast and lunch plan as well. Normally I would help him figure out his 'big' meal of the day and then he would fend for himself the rest of the day, it works for us, and I like it. However no longer. Then there was that moment when I stuck my hand in my kids bowl of goldfish and had to knock those little fishies out of my hand right back into her bowl rather than partaking in their certain complete deliciousness. And the donuts…oh the donuts. Once they made a prominent feature in my dreams (Monday night) they were all I could think about when I got hungry. Then there was that jerk of a “friend” who sent me pictures of donuts with this question “Is this paleo?” Curse him. All in all though, not a terrible week.

The husband man and I went out to eat and, though it took some scrounging around on the menu, we found meals that were paleo and didn’t taste like crap. Honestly, nothing that we’ve made hasn’t been delicious. I don’t think we’re actually that far off from what we were doing before. Yeah, we cut out all our bread and rice. Yeah, I really like beans. And yeah, cheese is one of the most important food groups. But somehow we’re still managing to survive. Hundreds of thousands of people before me have done it (you know, historically), and turned out alright, so I figure I can do it and I’ll be OK too.

Oh, and I’ve been reading more about the science behind this craziness and I’ve got to admit, there might just be something to it. But that's for another time when the fact that I've made it a whole week is less impressive.

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